Affiliate Opportunities
Is Your Future in the Bag?Becoming a Housewarmers Affiliate Owner Opens New Doors to You!
- Fulfill your ambition for business ownership and financial independence
- Get a flexible work schedule that balances your job and family interests
- Make a positive difference in your community
- Improve yourself with newfound skills, relationships and confidence
- You’re part of an organization that shares and supports your goals
Housewarmers affiliates are business owners who make a difference in their community as sponsored ambassadors to new residents, and as proud supporters of civic and charitable organizations. We believe that Housewarmers is a one-of-a-kind opportunity for special people to earn a good living doing good things for others.
- Work-from-home Moms and Dads
- Folks looking for a way to move out of the corporate world
- Retirees who want extra income along with a means to keep busy and stay involved in the community
How Does It All Work?
As a Housewarmers affiliate, you’ll go to businesses, retailers and professionals (doctors, dentists, etc.) in your exclusive territory, offering them an opportunity to reach new residents by becoming a Housewarmers Gift Bag Sponsor. At monthly intervals, you deliver these bags to new residents in your territory. The bag includes community information, special offers and gifts from your business sponsors.
Overhead costs are low. There is no inventory, no expensive equipment, no fixed storefront to maintain. Most affiliates operate from home. No specialized knowledge, license or certification is required. Housewarmers will train you on all aspects of running your business.
As an affiliate, you’ll have the power of the PROVEN Housewarmers Business Model behind you – a model that has been tested and refined to provide you with an efficient, effective, turnkey path to success. In addition, you’ll have a broad range of help and support from the Housewarmers headquarters, so your earning potential is only limited by how much time and effort you expend.
Download our Housewarmers – Opportunity is Knocking Affiliate Information booklet.
The Good Neighbor 7-Point Marketing System℠ is the Heart of the Housewarmers Welcome!
Studies show that it takes repeated touches before a prospect remembers your company’s name or visits your business. With the Housewarmers Good Neighbor 7 Point Marketing System℠, your business has the opportunity for multiple touches. It is designed to make a good first impression…and then keep working, touching each resident we greet at least 7 times. All for one low price!
The Housewarmers Affiliate Model Offers Real Benefits
- Low Entry Cost: The price of a territory is based on a combination of population and new resident counts, and is very affordable! Other startup expenses are minimal, mainly consisting of computer software and office supplies, giving you the opportunity to start earning money quickly!
- Exclusive Territories: Affiliate territories do not overlap, so you will never have competition from other Housewarmers affiliates.
- Low Overhead: You have the opportunity to provide a valuable service that generates excellent profit margins!
- Flexible Work Schedule: You make your own business hours. You’re free to schedule your appointments and deliveries when it makes sense for you.
- Steady Income: Because you contract with your bag sponsors for several months at a time, you can always plan your cash flow.
- Support and Collaboration Among Affiliates: Housewarmers affiliates are always ready and willing to share ideas about making their businesses better.

Whether you work your Housewarmers business as a part-time or full-time job, We Can Help You Succeed
Our ongoing support includes:
- Training sessions for new affiliates with regular follow up support from Housewarmers headquarters
- An Operations Manual that acts as a complete “roadmap” for starting your business
- Your Own Website, an individual, easy-to-maintain website for your Housewarmers business that showcases your community and your sponsors
- Promotional tools like brochures, postcards and flyers that will help you make a winning presentation to prospective bag sponsors
- Complete starter kit of supplies, including business cards, Housewarmers red gift bags and other valuable materials
Download our Housewarmers – Opportunity is Knocking Affiliate Information booklet.
Interested in becoming an affiliate? Call us at 903.456.2257, or fill out our convenient online form, to get the process started.
Want to Become an Affiliate?
Fill out our online form so we can get some info from you.